قائمة/جدول: T-S AS 153.51
قائمة/جدول T-S AS 153.51العلامات
Accounts or shopping list (or menu planning?). Not a medical recipe. In Judaeo-Arabic. There are three distinct sections; the first two are headed "First Night" and "Second Night." Listed in the first section: "one hen with me"; garlic; lemon; saffron; pepper; mastic. Listed in the second section: "one hen with me, and roasted in lemon"; thirty qadaḥ of rice; zirbāj (delicately sour golden stew) (this one is crossed out); okra (? באמה); garlic; coriander; firewood. Listed in the third section: apple and two kinds of cucumber (khiyār and faqqūs). (Information in part from CUDL.)