قائمة/جدول: T-S 8J5.22
قائمة/جدول T-S 8J5.22What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Verso: Record of the donation of one quarter of a compound by Sitt al-Naẓar bt. Ḥalfon to the qodesh. Dating: ca. 1161 CE. She also donates one-sixth of the same compound to Faḍāʾil b. ʿAwāʿiḍ Ibn al-Katnānī, a brother or some other relative of hers, on the condition that she herself shall have the usufruct of that part during her lifetime. After her death it will go to him, to his son, and to his mother Sitt al-Dār. After that, this part also will pass into the possession of the qodesh. Written by the judge Mevorakh b. Natan on the verso of an engagement contract dated 29 November 1161 CE. (Gil, Documents, pp. 299 #66.) EMS
Editor: Gil, Moshe
Translator: Gil, Moshe (in English)
T-S 8J5.22 1v

- אוקפת ללעניים
- סת אלנטר בת ⟦אפרים⟧ חלפון אלרבע מן אלדאר אלתי
- במהרה אלדאכלה פי אלדרב שרכה בומנעור בן מכארם
- בן אלמקאנעיה
- ואוהבת פצאיל בן עואיץ בן אלכתנאני גמיע אלסדס
- מן אלדאר אלמדכורה ⟦טול⟧ עלי שרט אן תכון אלאגרה
- להא טול חיותהא ובעד ופאתהא לה ולולדה מן בעדה
- ולואלדתה סת אלדאר בת הבה טול חיו(!) בעדהא
- ובעדה סיעוד אלאצל ללעניים
(1-4) Sitt al-Naẓar, the daughter of [Ephraim] Ḥalfōn, dedicated one quarter of the compound that is in Mahra, leading into the darb, (Dār) Shirkat (A)bū Manṣūr b. Makārim b. al-Maqāniʿīya, to al-ʿaniyīm.
(5-6) She also donated an entire sixth of the said compound to Faḍāʾil b. ʿAwāʾiḍ b. al-Kattānāni, on the condition that the rent should
(7-8) belong to her as long as she lives and, after she departs from life, to him, his descendants, and his mother, Sitt al-Dār, the daughter of Hiba, as long as they live after her.
Thereafter, the title of property should be turned over to al-ʿaniyīm.
T-S 8J5.22 1r