رسالة: T-S 6J7.2

رسالة T-S 6J7.2

What's in the PGP

  • صورة


Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or 12th century. Fragment (upper right corner). The addressee is called al-shaykh al-ajall... al-muwaffaq al-ṣadīq al-kohen al-vatiq. The sender complains that this year he has perished and his flesh has been afflicted (...fī hādhihi al-sana alladhī halaktu... ilā allāh taʿālā wa-qad baliya laḥmī...). On verso there are jottings of accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. (Information in part from CUDL.)

النصوص المفرّغة

T-S 6J7.2 1r


T-S 6J7.2 1v

بيان أذونات الصورة
  • T-S 6J7.2: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.