ثيقة شرعيّة: ENA NS 77.7 + ENA NS 77.16 + ENA NS 77.17 + ENA NS 77.18 + ENA NS 64.7 + ENA 77.168 + ENA NS 77.167 + ENA NS 16.4
ثيقة شرعيّة ENA NS 77.7 + ENA NS 77.16 + ENA NS 77.17 + ENA NS 77.18 + ENA NS 64.7 + ENA 77.168 + ENA NS 77.167 + ENA NS 16.4What's in the PGP
- صورة
Legal document. Seven fragments joined together (by Moshe Yagur and Alan Elbaum) to form a court record. On recto (should be verso) a court record, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi, in which Issac b. Shemuʾel the Spaniard and Avraham b. Shema’ya are parties in a debt settlement. Also testimony on the arrival of Barukh b. Yitsḥak from Aleppo to Egypt. On verso (should be recto) a letter sent to Yitsḥak b. Shemuʾel. Judeo-Arabic, Aramaic. AA
النصوص المفرّغة
ENA NS 77.7 1

ENA NS 77.7 2

ENA NS 77.16 1

ENA NS 77.16 2

ENA NS 77.17 1

ENA NS 77.17 2

ENA NS 77.18 1

ENA NS 77.18 2

ENA NS 64.7 1

ENA NS 64.7 2

ENA NS 77.167 1

ENA NS 77.167 2

ENA NS 16.4 recto

ENA NS 16.4 verso