رسالة: ENA 3936.5

رسالة ENA 3936.5



Letter in Arabic script. Begins with a basmala and taqbīl. Addressed to a certain Muḥammad called Samiyy al-Dawla Jamāl al-[...] (an amīr titled Samiyy al-Dawla also appears in a legal document: T-S Misc. 22.280 dated 4th Shaʿban 438 H/3rd February 1047, ed. Khan, ALAD, no. 55). The sender refers to his emotional state (wa-baqiya qalb al-mamlūk....; another possible reading is wa-yashfī qalb al-mamlūk). In the margin, the sender expresses his hope that a certain woman is in good health, and everyone under the addressee's care. On verso, refers to "a tremendous headache" and awaiting something. YU. ASE.

ENA 3936.5 recto


النصوص المفرّغة


ENA 3936.5 verso

بيان أذونات الصورة
  • ENA 3936.5: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL)