רשומה קשורה ל-רשימה או טבלה: T-S Ar.30.32

רשימה או טבלה T-S Ar.30.32
  1. ציטוט
    S. D. Goitein, "Bankers Accounts from the Eleventh Century A.D.,"Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 9, no. 1 (n.p.: Brill, 1966), 28–66.
    Location in source
    • 35–38
    Relation to document
    • Digital Translation
    • דיון
    • מהדורה
    • תרגום
  2. ציטוט
    S. D. Goitein, index cards.
    Location in source
    Relation to document
    • דיון

T-S Ar.30.32 1r

S. D. Goitein, "Bankers Accounts from the Eleventh Century A.D.," Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 9, no. 1 (n.p.: Brill, 1966), 28–66.
  1. Debit, Thursday 23 Muḥarram

  2. Note to Abu ʾl-Khayr 20 d.

  3. Dr., a purse to Abraham 5 ⅙ d. 1 q. 

  4. Dr., a purse to al-Anṣsarī 3d. exactly


  1. Cr. on the same day 400 dirh. Exactly


  1. Friday, 24 Muḥarram

  2. 300 dirh.



  1. Abraham: Deb. 25 d. and one ḥ. Credit 17¼ d. Less ¼ Cr. 47¼.


  1. My belongings: with Yāfī 2 ⅙ d.

  2. With Zikrī 3 ⅓ ⅛ d.

  3. With Isḥāq in the Exchange 2d. 1 q.

  4. In my purse ½ d. and ⅛ d.

  5. Total in gold 8 ⅙ ⅛ d.


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  1. Thābit debit, a purse to Isḥāq

  2. 11 ⅛ d. ½ q.

  3. Dr. note to Isḥāq

12 ⅔ ½ q.

  1. Dr. ((to Ibrahīm)) a purse

  2. To Ibrahīm 11 d. Exactly

  3. Dr. a purse to Ibrahīm 8. d. Exactly


  1. Total 42 ½ ⅓

  2. Credit, 600 dirh. Less ½ ¼ 

  3. Wednesday, 22 Muḥarram


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  1. Sunday, I9 Muharram

  2. Abū Yaḥyā credit, a purse of 11 d. exactly

  3. From Ibrahīm



  1. Monday, 20 Muḥarram

  2. Abū Yaḥyā ((loose)) from

  3. Ishāq in the House of Ex-

  4. change 11 ⅛ d. ½ q.



  1. Wednesday, 22 Muḥarram

  2. Abū Yaḥyā  cr. from Abu ʾl

  3. Khayr by note 20 d. Exactly


  1. Barhūn cr. from Ben Manasseh

  2. 10 ½ ¼ d.

  1. Total in gold

  2. 54 (in Arabic characters:)

Less ⅛ 

(the rest of the page is cut away)


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Price of 11 d. In silver

  2. Exchange rate 31¼

  3. 343½ ¼


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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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