מכתב: T-S 13J15.13
מכתב T-S 13J15.13What's in the PGP
- תמונה
Letter from Yaʿaqov b. Shemuel b. Avraham (perhaps a Qaraite), to Abū Saʿd (i.e. Abū Saʿd b. Sahl al-Tustarī, also known as Avraham b. Yashar), expressing thanks to the recipient for food received, and sending good wishes to his son, Yefet. With allusions to Exodus 35:22, Psalms 34:11, Ecclesiastes 7:8, Esther 10:3 and Psalms 121:8, and with quotes from Psalms 119:165, Jeremiah 33:6, Isaiah 33:16, Psalms 128:6, 125:4, Jonah 4:6, Psalms 31:20 and Proverbs 8:21. There is a space in which the recipient’s Hebrew name was to be inserted. (Information from CUDL.)