רשומה קשורה ל-מכתב: T-S Ar.40.56
מכתב T-S Ar.40.56- ציטוט
- S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India traders of the middle ages : documents from the Cairo Geniza : India book (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008), vol. 2.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- תרגום
- ציטוט
- S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India traders of the middle ages : documents from the Cairo Geniza : India book (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008), vol. 1.
- Relation to document
- Digital Translation
- ציטוט
- S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
- Location in source
- 5B.1.2 India Book- trade docs 291-end/T-S Ar. 40.56
- 5B.1.2 India Book- trade docs 291-end/T-S Ar. 40.56
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- מהדורה
Editor: Goitein, S. D.
Translators: Goitein, S. D.; Friedman, Mordechai Akiva (in English)
T-S Ar.40.56 1r
II, 64
- شاكر اياديه
- بو على بن بو عمر
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
- كتابي اطال الله بقا حضرة مولاى الشيخ الاجل السيد وادام
- تاييدها وعلاها ورفعتها وسناها ومن حسن توفيقه
- لا اخلاها وكبت حسيدتها واهلك ضدها متقصيا علم
- احوالها واخبارها ومجارى امورها اجرها الله جث
- اختيارها واعرصها ولو ذهبت لشرح بعض ما اجده من
- الشوق اليها وتوق لنحوها لما وسعه كتاب ولا حواه
- خطاب ولاكن ادعو الى من جلت قدرته وعصمته بان يمن
- بسرعة الاجتماع بها على اجل الاحوا ل وافضل الاما ل
- قريبا ان شاء الله تعالى ومعلما للولد العزيز اﻳ[ده الله تعالى ?]
- بانى كتبت لهم عدت كتب ولم يصلنى لهم جواب ﻜﻟ ﻧﻨ[ى]
- اعلم اخبارهم فما اسمعها الا من انا س واما حال ما انا عليه
- من قلت ذات اليد فما هوه شى يصف من تعب القلب
- وقلة ما بيدى وبقيت حائر فى حالى الى ا ن جاني من عند
- الشيخ خلف بن مضمون ثلاثين دينار صحبت الشيخ ابى العلا بن
- ابى نصر وهو يحثنى على السفر واشتريت ما يحتاج اليه من
- زاد الطريق فجو الغز ونهبو المنية وخرجنا عرايا ما
- لنا ساترة وبقيت بِطوبة تحت راسى جا ئع بيوت خلق
- فلحمد لله فلو كا نت روحى بيدى سيبتها فبلغ الى بن مضمون
- ما انا فيه فارسل الى كتب يقول فيها قد غمنى ما جرا عليك
- فقوم تعال الى عندي واخبرنى ما جرا على اصغيرة مع
- ابو عمرا ن بانها قاست معه صعوبة فلولا الله وعناية الشيخ
- بانه اقام بحقها وبلغت نوبتهم الى اصلطان واسلم
- ابو عمران وازداد ما بينهم الشر وطلقها
- وبقيت عنده على احسن قضيهَ فما بقى لى الا السفر فسافرت الى عيذاب فزعان خائف من نحس الطريق وكتب
- الله اسلامة وانا معول على ادخول الى الهند الله سبحا(نه) يرد العاقبة الى خير وكل ما سمعت ما انتم فيه وحالكم
- ازداد ما بي من ضيق الصدر عليكم
Recto - main text
- Thankful of his kindnesses,
Bū ʿAlī b. Bū ʿUmar.
In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate.
My letter (to you)—may God give long life to your excellency, my lord, the most illustrious sheikh, the master, and prolong
His support of you, your elevated position, high rank and prominent station, and not deny you
His gift of superior success, crush those envious of you and destroy your enemies!—is to enquire about information
concerning your situation and news about you, and the conduct of your affairs—may God, may His praise be glorified, conduct them as
you choose and to attain your goals! Were I to proceed to explain in detail even part of the
longing and yearning for you, which I feel, the letter would not encompass it nor would speech contain it.
But I pray to Him whose power and might are to be glorified to grant
quickly that I be reunited with you in the best of circumstances, in fulfillment of the most excellent hopes
soon, God, the Exalted, willing. This is to inform you, my dear son—may [God, the Exalted,] streng[then you]!—
that I wrote you (pl.) a number of letters, but I have not received any answer from you (pl.). However,
I know of news of you (pl.), but hear it only from (other) people. The situation, which I am undergoing,
namely the dearth of my possessions, is not something, which can be described, because of heartache
and how little I have. I remained perplexed by my situation, until I received from
Sheikh Khalaf b. Maḍmūn thirty dinars, delivered by Sheikh Abu ʾl-ʿAlā b.
Abū Naṣr . He is urging me to set out on a journey. I purchased the requisite
provisions for travel; then the Ghuzz swept down and plundered Minya. We departed naked, without
a covering. I remained with a brick under my head, hungry, passing the night in grief, worn out.
Thank God, had my life been in my hands, I would have given it up.
But Ibn Maḍmūn heard
of my dire situation and sent me letters, in which he said, “I have been afflicted by the same thing that you are enduring.
Set out and come up to me.” He (Khalaf b. Maḍmūn) informed me what had happened to the girl (‘the little one’) with
Abū ʿImrān, namely the hardships she had suffered with him. Had it not been for God and the assistance of the Sheikh (Khalaf),
who looked after her rights, she would have been lost. Their crisis reached the sultan, and Bū ʿImrān
converted to Islam. The malice between them increased, and he divorced her.
Recto - right margin
Recto, Right Margin:
She remained with him in the best possible situation. Nothing remains for me but the journey. I traveled to ʿAydhāb, terrified and frightened by the ill-fated trip, but God
decreed my safe arrival. Now I intend to set out for India. May God, may He be praised, make the outcome good again! Everything that I have heard about what you (pl.) are undergoing and your circumstances
increased my distress over you.
T-S Ar.40.56 1v
- فلا تقطعو اخباركم عنى فقد بعد المزار وكنت ارجو ان نكون
- فى بلد واحد الى ان يقضى الله بلمحتوم اما علي او عليكم فالله الله لا
- تقطعى كتبك عنى فما بقى لنا اجتماع الا ان ارد الله تخصي نفسك
- باتم السلم الجزيل وعلى الشيخ ابي المحاسن باتم السلم الجزيل والسلم
- وابو عمر يخصكم جميعا باتم السلم الجزيل
Address in the top left corner, written upside down:
- حضرة الولد العزيز السيد
- ابي المحاسن بن ابو على دامت نعمته
Verso - main text
Do not cut me off from news about you. I am traveling in faraway places. I hope that we shall be able to be
in one town until God decrees the appointed time (death) for me or for you. By God, by God, do
no cut off (sg. f.) your letters from me. We will not be reunited unless God wills. Accept for yourself (sg. f.)
profuse wishes for your complete well-being. And profuse wishes for Sheikh Abu ʾl-Maḥāsin’s complete well-being. And Peace.
And Abū ʿUmar sends everyone profuse wishes for complete well-being.
Verso - address, upside down
- (To) His excellency, my dear son, master
Abu ʾl-Maḥāsin b. Abū ʿAlī. May his grace be permanent!}