מסמך שלטוני: T-S AS 181.9

מסמך שלטוני T-S AS 181.9

What's in the PGP

  • 1 Transcription


Bifolio (subsequently folded into thirds) of an eclectic selection of incomplete state-related documents. Fiscal accounting, and an entry concerning a claim made from al-Ṣināʿa al-Maḥrūsa (the port of Fusṭāt). Mentions the payments in reference to the "al-zakāt al-sāmī". Also mentions Jazīrat Banī Naṣr (an island in the southwestern Nile delta formed by the Rosetta arm in the west and the Bugāriyyah canal and its branches in the east) and al-Buḥayra. Probably a receipt of transit tax paid by Mubārak and Ghiṭrīf, likely Coptic names. Needs examination.



T-S AS 181.9 recto

Yusuf Umrethwala and Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2024).

Recto (fiscal)


  1. عشر ويبات

  2. خمس ومائتين(؟)

  3. قرات(؟)

  4. جانا؟ لكل؟ رسمه؟

  5. ثلث وربع

  6. بحكم قبض حبسها من

  7. الصناعة المحروسة من جهة

  8. الريس ابي علي

T-S AS 181.9 verso


Verso (fiscal)


  1. يتم(؟) كتاب(؟) الغلات

  2. بجزيرة بني نصر والبحيرة

  3. مما تسلمه مبارك

  4. وغطريف من جملة المستخدمين

  5. بالزكات السامي

  6. عشر ويبات

  7. بفضل الثمن

  8. خمسين دينار وثلثة دنانير