רשימה או טבלה: T-S K11.31

רשימה או טבלה T-S K11.31



Two bifolios of well-preserved accounts from the "isqāla Maṣr al-Qadīma" (the port of Old Cairo). Dated Dhūl-Ḥijja 962 – Shawwāl 964, but this reading is not entirely clear because the year relies on a symbol that must be compared with other 16th- and, possibly, 17th-century accounts (the year could also be 1062-64 AH). The word "isqāla" in Arabic or "iskele" in Turkish is derived from the Italian "scala" commonly associated with the docks of maritime ports. The accounts make use of western Arabic numerals and Hebrew alphanumerals. These bifolios were likely bound as part of a broader commercial and/or customs ledger. Requires further examination. MCD.