רשימה או טבלה: T-S AS 209.112

רשימה או טבלה T-S AS 209.112



List in Ladino with payments in silver medin. Dating 15th-17th century based on the paleography and the post-1415 CE currency mentioned. Each entry opens with the common formulas "mas a" or "mas para" then the names of inviduals, such as: Moshe Medina, Doña Marḥaba (without her surname), and קאקיפ? de Samarqand. The latter name may originate from a Turkic language given that Samarqand is mentioned in modern-day Uzbekistan. The historian Muḥsin ʻAlī Shūmān has found evidence in Ottoman qadi court records that a wave of Jewish refugees arrived in Cairo from Central Asia in the early 1600s, naming Uzbekistan as one of the potential points of emigration. (The Jews in Ottoman Egypt Until the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century/al-Yahūd fī Miṣr al-ʻUthmānīyah ḥattá awāʾil al-qarn al-tāsiʻ ʻashar, vol. II, 361-363). MCD.