רשימה או טבלה: ENA 3735.10-11
רשימה או טבלה ENA 3735.10-11What's in the PGP
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Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning a variety of names, many of which may bear signs of Greek linguistic influence on ENA 3735.10. Early modern dating based on the paleography. Among those listed on 3735.10 are: Nicolo Fosṭūlī[?], Dmetri Fosṭūlī[?], Tragos[?] Fosṭūlī, Nicola Fetnos[?], Mikhail Rais Napoli[?] or Risnopoli (רייסנפולי), and others. If the latter name is indeed Mikhail Rais (Ship Captain) then the reference may be to Naples (Napoli[?]). Based on the other appearances of רייס on the same page, this reading seems feasible. The related neighboring fragment ENA 3735.11 features more names: Maḥmūd Jalabi (Çelebi), Maḥ[mūd]/Muḥ[ammad] Ṭarabulusī, and others. The commodity iron חדיד appears in connection with the name Maḥmūd Jalabi. The heading of ENA 3735.11 may feature a full date but the year is badly effaced. MCD.