סמי ספרותי: T-S AS 144.94
סמי ספרותי T-S AS 144.94What's in the PGP
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Ff. 1v-2r: calendrical work on the 259th lunar cycle (= 1142–61 CE) written for the cantor ʿOvadya b. Aharon he-ḥaver. The work is in Hebrew with some Judaeo-Arabic words. F. 2v: record of the birth of his son, Ḥalfon b. ʿOvadya, in Kislev 4907 AM = November/December 1146 CE. The record is in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. The record is stricken through and a note of the child’s death is made in a different hand at the top of the page. On the bottom of page the record of birth is repeated in Arabic where the child is referred to as Khalaf b. ʿAbdallāh. (Information mainly from CUDL.)