סמי ספרותי: RNL Yevr.-Arab I 95

סמי ספרותי RNL Yevr.-Arab I 95

What's in the PGP

  • 1 Transcription


A manuscript which contains parts of Yefet b. 'Eli's commentary on Deuteronoy. Incomplete. On page 87a a dedicatory sentence: "dedicated to God, Lord of Israel, at the courtyard of Yosef b. Bakhtawayh, blessed is he who keeps it, Amen". From other dedicatory inscriptions it is clear that the courtyard of B. Bakhtawayh, who was called "the teacher" (ha-Melamed) and was a qaraite scholar, was a library, and probably a study center, in 10th-11th century Jerusalem.


RNL Yevr.-Arab I 95 recto

Moshe Yagur, Unpublished transcription (n.p., 2023).

Dedicatory sentence, page 87a

  1. קדש ליי אל[הי ישראל] בחצר יוסף בן בכתויה
  2. ברוך שומרו אמן