מסמך שלטוני: T-S AS 180.153

מסמך שלטוני T-S AS 180.153


Recto: Fragment of an official report or possibly a legal document, notable for mentioning an amīr named Iftikhār al-Dawla Jawhar. The best-known Iftikhār al-Dawla was the governor of Jerusalem when it fell to the Franks in 1099, but this may or may not be him; his name is not otherwise known to have been Jawhar. (And the best-known Jawhar died in 992 and cannot be the person intended here.) Some phrases: وتسلمها من المذكور وهب . . . . . . . للمجلس فذلك ثابت(؟) في الدواوين المعمورة . . . . . . . . المتبرع(؟) وقد ذكر المذكور كون الامير افتخار الدولة جوهر نزل(؟) . . . . . . . . . . .