מכתב: T-S AS 178.59

מכתב T-S AS 178.59


Note addressed 'to the house of the Head of the Jews,' apparently a Raʾīs al-Yahūd named Sulaymān/Shelomo, unclear who this is. In Arabic script. It reads, "(To) our lord, the master, the fortunate elder Sulaymān, may God preserve his life. The slave requests his benefaction and the favor of coming to the 'Canal House' (Dār al-Khalīj), to the house of [...]. The servant (al-ghulām? al-khādim?) sent for this time...." The last few words are difficult to read. The Dār al-Khalīj appears also in T-S 10J14.27, where it's indicated that there are smaller dārs within this larger dār (it is mentioned in this context in Goitein, Med Soc IV, p. 56 note 36).


Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2022).


  1. مولانا المالك الشيخ السعيد سليمان الله يبقي
  2. حياته المملوك يسال احسانه وتفضله حضوره
  3. الى دار الخليج دار . . . . . . . . وقد سير
  4. الخادم عن هده الدفعة الثلث(؟) . . . . . . . .



  1. دار رئيس اليهود