מכתב: T-S 6J3.28

מכתב T-S 6J3.28

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  • תמונה
  • 1 Transcription
  • 1 Translation


Letter of recommendation concerning one of the chief people in Sunbat, who had to flee because he could not afford to pay his own and his son's capitation tax. (Mentioned by N. Golb in Journal of Near Eastern Studies 33 [1974], p. 142)



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S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
  1. בר עבדו מודה חסדו


  1. אלדי אעלם בה חצרה מולאי אלחסיד אלאגל אלדיין
  2. שצ אן חאמלהא כאן מן אעיאן סנבאט וכאן
  3. ביתהם לכל עובר ושב ומא טלב מן אחד
  4. קט ולא כאן הדה עאדתה פלמא כאן פי הדה
  5. אלאיאם אלשדידה אלתי חצלת על כל אחד סוא
  6. כל מא כאן בהדה והו מטלוב בגזיתין ענה וען
  7. ולדה ודין אכר ואלמקצוד מן תפצלה אלענאיה
  8. באמרה ואלאגתהאד פי חקה ושלום הדרתו יגדל
  9. לעד נצח סלה
Mark Cohen, The Voice of the Poor in the Middle Ages (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005).


  1. In the n(name of the) M(erciful) Your slave [who thanks you] for your kindness,


  1. I inform your excellency my master the most illustrious lord, the judge,
  2. (may your) R(ock) p(rotect you), that the bearer of this (letter) was one of the notables of Sunbāṭ.
  3. Their house was (open) to all wayfarers. He never sought anything from anybody,
  4. nor was this his habit.
  5. During these difficult times that befell everyone
  6. all was lost, and he is being sought for two poll-tax payments, his own and that
  7. of his son, as well as for another debt. I ask, please, that you take care of
  8. his situation and strive in his regard. And may the welfare of your excellency increase
  9. forever and ever. 


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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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