מסמך שלטוני: T-S Ar.35.207

מסמך שלטוני T-S Ar.35.207


Official-looking account in Arabic script. Bifolium from a ledger. Fiscal account from the Fatimid arsenal/navy? Mentions the Red Sea (baḥr al-qulzum) and "the ships" (marākib) on recto and again "the ships and the skiffs" (al-marākib wa-l-ʿushāriyya) at the bottom of the right page of verso. Higher up, refers to "the glass pipes" (mawāsīr zujāj), then, "of that which was broken from the heaving of the sea" (mimmā takassara min hazz al-baḥr), and further down, possibly items which were damaged by mice (mimmā taʿaddā(?) ʿalayhi al-faʾr). On the left page of verso, one entry begins, "that which was lost at se[a]..." (mimmā ʿudima fī l-baḥ[r]...). The same page includes expenditures for steering wheels (maqāwid), fuel (waqūd) and anchors (marāsī).