מכתב: T-S Ar.38.56

מכתב T-S Ar.38.56

What's in the PGP

  • תמונה


Verso: Letter to Abū l-Ḥasan from Abū Ḥājī (?). In Arabic script. The sender instructs the addressee to give the bearer, Durmī al-Qirmiṭī (probably the same man from the legal document on recto), 10 irdabs of wheat and to not tarry its delivery under any circumstance. He inquires about a servant (khādim) and then goes on to report the price of an enslaved woman (jāriyya) of 13 dīnārs.



T-S Ar.38.56 1v


T-S Ar.38.56 1r

תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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