מכתב: AIU VII.F.87

מכתב AIU VII.F.87


A Hebrew note from a bookseller to a potential buyer, listing several books and giving final prices for them (in qurūsh). The books include "Zutah" (?) in two parts, Bereshit and Shemot, one printed in Amsterdam and the other in Livorno; Hemdat Yamim; Hoq le-Yisra'el; Yemin Moshe on the laws of shehitah (first edition was Mantua 1624, giving an earliest possible date for this fragment); the small Ayn Ya'aqov; Sha'arei Tzion; two chumashim and tehillim. The list concludes, "This is the final offer with nothing beneath it. If you wish, send the money and keep the books. If this is good in your eyes, how good, and if not, send the books and keep the money, because they [the books] belong to the orphans and widows."
