מכתב: Yevr. II A 1896

מכתב Yevr. II A 1896



Letter draft from one Jewish community (A) to another Jewish community (B) in a different land. In Hebrew. Locations unknown. Dating: Late. Catalogued as 18th century, which seems a good guess. The letter is a justification of why community A acted a certain way when a man arrived and presented a letter of recommendation from community B. The letter of recommendation bore the signatures of many of the notable men of community B (which are listed again in this letter). For some reason, community A suspected that he was a fraud and his letter was forged, perhaps in part because he presented them with a legal query that any ignoramus would have been able to answer. So they refused to honor his letter of recommendation. It seems the purpose of the present letter is to explain what has happened so that the leaders of community B do not think that they are not respected in community A. If they do not believe this story, community A is sending this letter with Mordekhai ha-Ḥakham who can answer all their questions to their satisfaction.