מסמך משפטי: Yevr. II A 1287

מסמך משפטי Yevr. II A 1287



Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 14 Kislev 5527 AM, which is 1766/67 CE. Groom: Moshe b. Yosef b. Aharon. Bride: Miryam bt. Yaʿaqov b. Moshe Melammed; not a virgin. Basic marriage payment: 25 silver pieces + a gold ring + 1775 large medins ("large halves"). Early marriage payment: 100 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 400 large medins. Bride's agent: her father. She attests that she has received the basic and early marriage gifts. He attests that he will not take a second wife for the first 10 years if she bears a child, or for the first 5 years if she does not. Witnesses: Eliyyahu b. Moshe Rofe known as Ẓaʿir; Moshe Fayrūz; Yefet Fayrūz.