רשימה או טבלה: T-S NS 83.7

רשימה או טבלה T-S NS 83.7



Commercial accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. 16th-century, pre-1573 CE based on mention of the Radba''z (d. 1573). The accounts mention domestic and international currency: Spanish qorona, Ottoman jadid, and "qadīm" (perhaps a defunct Mamlūk coinage type). In the upper right corner of the verso Moshe Ben-Abidirham is mentioned, perhaps the same person who authored the letter T-S NS 338.70 (PGPID 25959). This is likely the case given the dating of the paleography and the fact that Moshe Ben-Abidirham is listed here in these accounts with the rabbinic title Ḥakham. Other individuals mentioned in the accounts include: (recto) Moshe Medina, "the orphans of R. Pereṣ," "wife of Moshe לוחייזא?", ʿAbdalqādr al-Skandarī, ʿAlī b. ʿAbd.. al-Mīnawī Gorge/Jorge (גורגי) Consol, Muḥammad ʿAnbarī, David[?] Galaṭa (perhaps Istanbul-related nomenclature), Iskender Topjī[?] (perhaps a Turkish word), Menaḥem Kohen, Badr al-Dīn al-Qabbānī, Shemuʾel Kohen (verso) Avraham Kohen, Avraham al-Ḥakīm, Yiṣḥaq Ḥabīb, Yosef Abulkhayr, Shemuʾel b. Shelomo Sholal (perhaps descended from final Nagids), and "the wife of David Ben Abi Zimra" (the Radba''z, d. 1573 CE)– who was the most influential Rabbanite poseq of 16th-century Cairo. This final name helps date the accounts as pre-1573 given that the entry is "אשת" (wife) rather than "אלמנת" (widow). MCD.