רשימה או טבלה: T-S NS 83.35
רשימה או טבלה T-S NS 83.35תיאור
Recto: Accounts in Spanish mentioning the year 1747 (5507). The righthand side of verso appears to be the same, also in Spanish. The lefthand side of verso appears to be a note in Italian as it is headed "26 Lug[lio] 1747" and "di" is used instead of "de." The recto mentions the names "Iudà Iacob" (Yahuda Yaʿacov) and Iacob Crispin (Yaʿacov Krispin). The verso mentions the names "Haim Nasi" (Ḥayyīm Nasi) and "Iacob Candioti" (Yaʿacov Qandiote). At least one of these commercial entries deals with coffee "il caffe ... 30 zechini"–the latter term is Venetian coinage. Ottoman gold "mahbub" coinage is also referenced on the verso.