רשימה או טבלה: T-S NS 226.105
רשימה או טבלה T-S NS 226.105תיאור
Distribution list in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). The list begins with al-Rav al-Nezer ("the Diadem") and is followed by Abū Saʿīd, someone's brother's son, someone's cousin (ibn ʿamm) Yosef who is referred to as בעל חלום, likely a dream interpreter. To the best of my [AA's] knowledge this profession is not attested elsewhere in the Geniza (non-Geniza literary sources mention the profession ʿābir/muʿabbir lil-ruʾya). Sulaymān the blind (al-ḍarīr); Ibn al-Qalʿīd Ṣedaqa; Ḥiyya the teacher; Abū Saʿd(?) Ibn al-Muʿallima; Nissim; Abū l-Ḥasan al-Parnas; someone's son Hiba; Thābit Ibn al-Munajjim (known to be indigent from several other documents from this period, e.g., T-S NS J539 (PGPID 26500)). AA/ASE.