מכתב: T-S NS 184.44

מכתב T-S NS 184.44



Fragment of a petition/letter. In the hand of Yefet b. Menashshe ha-Levi? Written on behalf of a woman (al-mamlūka, l. 5). Addressed to a notable ([ḥaḍrat a]donenu, l. 1). Concerning the estate of the late Isḥāq (or Abū Isḥāq or [... b.] Ishāq). Mentions various sums of money and quantities of goods pertaining to people from among 'our colleagues' (aṣḥābnā) including Abū l-Ḥasan, [ʿIm]rān b. Ghulayb, and a large amount of merchandise deposited somewhere.