מסמך משפטי: T-S AS 214.10
מסמך משפטי T-S AS 214.10תיאור
Court register fragment with three document entries. Dated Kislev 5480 AM (Nov.-Dec. 1719 CE). (1) engagement deed between Ishaq Halevi b. Ovadia and Simha d. Menahem Zarfati. The marriage gift items are in Judeo Arabic while the deed itself in Hebrew. On verso two other legal deed not connected to recto. (2) Moshe Ben-Rūbī receives 120[?] cinzirli from an investment partnership. Moshe b. Elʿazar is listed as the second witness (ע׳׳ב=עד שני). (3) Real estate transaction for rental between Raḥamīm Navarro and Yosef Asher. The property mentioned is on a "khalīj"– perhaps one of Cairo's urban canals. The second witness is Aharon Ḥanūn. MCD.