מסמך משפטי: T-S AS 159.169

מסמך משפטי T-S AS 159.169


Recto (secondary use): Narrow vertical fragment containing notes for drawing up a legal deed. In a mixture of Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic. At the very top at 90 degrees, refers to the orphans living in ʿAsqalān (אליתימין אלמקימין בעסקלאן). Underneath it states that a woman (unclear if her name is preserved) is owed by ʿAmram b. Yefet ha-Kohen (مستحقة على עמראם בר יפת הכהן) the 60 dinars of her ketubba payment (بقي لها موخر ستين دينار) and 250 dinars which is the value of her dowry and jewelry (قماش وصياغة), totaling 310 dinars (الجملة 𐋵𐋪). ʿAmram releases the woman from all claims, as well as his daughter named Sitt al-Qawm, his son Tiqva b. ʿAmram, and another daughter. On verso there are remains of a Fatimid document (see separate record).
