מסמך משפטי: T-S AS 148.79

מסמך משפטי T-S AS 148.79


Bill of release for part of a debt. Dated: 1 Av 5279 AM, which is 9 July 1519 CE. Location: Possibly Constantinople ("פה קוצטנטינה רבת . . ." appears in the top line, though this is not actually part of the document). The original debt was 23,500 levanim, owed by Yehuda b. Avraham Loya (or rather Leviya = ha-Levi?) to Yehuda b. Yaʿaqov known as Menaḥem. This document certifies that he has paid the remaining balance of 15,950 levanim. Someone named Avraham b. Ḥayyim also acknowledges something related to the debt payment. There are several signatures, all mostly torn away.
