מסמך שלטוני: T-S Ar.39.372
מסמך שלטוני T-S Ar.39.372What's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
Petition from an official. Dating: Likely 13th or 14th century (this can be narrowed if the person named is known from chronicles). Mentions an amir named ʿAlam al-Dīn Sanjar al-Maḥmūdī; a granary (shūna); a complaint about another official's irregular behavior; how the sender took the aforementioned sum of money to the treasury, but the Dīwān al-Murtajaʿ (Bureau of Reclamation) interfered. The sender now asks the addressee to issue an order (wa-suʾāl al-mamlūk khurūj al-amr al-ʿālī) to the dīwān. Apparently the petitioner was an official who had collected taxes in kind and sold them for 1400 dīnārs, but a group of Mamlūks came along and one of them, ʿIlm al-Dīn Sanjar al-Maḥmūdī, took 29 dinars from what the petitioner had collected, and now the group of Mamluks was withholding the 29 dinars from the fisc. So the petitioner is reporting it immediately and bringing the rest of the money (presumably 1371 dinars) to the fisc and asking to be credited for collecting the full amount.
Editors: Bondioli, Lorenzo; Elbaum, Alan; Rustow, Marina; Vanthieghem, Naïm
[ ] . . . عنده لاحد المماليك يسمى علم الدين سنجر المحمود[ي]
مبلغ وصـ[و]لات في ثمن قنده المبيع من شونه وهو
الف واربعمائة . . . . . . . . استخرج المملوك الجميع قبض علم الدين سنجر
المذكور منها تسع وعشرين … كالمبيع فلما سمع المملوك بالحوط
على المماليك البحرية حضر المملوك ونبه على ما عنده
بغير طلب وحمل المملوك //بتمه// المبلغ المذكور الى بيت المال المعمور
واعترض المملوك ديوان المرتجع بالذي تسلم المماليك
وهو تسع وعشرين دنانير وسوال المملوك خروج الامر العالي زاده الله
شرفا ونفاذا الى الديوان بان يحاسبوا المملوك بما قبضه المماليك
انهى ذلك
والحمد لله وحده