רשימה או טבלה: T-S Ar.30.141

רשימה או טבלה T-S Ar.30.141


Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, two bifolios. Late. The left side of the first bifolio image has the most detailed heading of any listed in this document: "... what Yaʿaqov Mar Ḥayyīm from פולוקמח[?] to the hand of Yahuda Naḥmias for the merchant of Alexandria" (מה ארסל ה׳׳ר יעקב מרחיים יצ//ו מן פולווקמח ליד ר׳ יהודה נחמיש יצ׳׳ו לתאגר אסכנדריה). The word פולוקמח is difficult to interpret but given the commercial/maritime context it may be related to the Italian word "polacca" which was a common form of sailing vessel throughout the early modern Mediterranean.
