Legal document: T-S NS J378
Legal document T-S NS J378What's in the PGP
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Betrothal (erusin) contract. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Fiancée: Sitt al-Dalāl. Conditions: 1. Should separation occur, the document freeing Sitt al-Dalal ("Lady Bold") will be produced by her husband without delay. 2. She is trustworthy in her statements concerning everything and no oath of any kind may be imposed on her. 3. He will not marry another wife [nor keep a female slave disliked by her]. 4. He will not beat her. 5. He will not leave Fustat and travel anywhere [except with her consent]. 6. Before setting out on a journey he will write her a conditional bill of divorce, and deposit the delayed installment of her marriage gift as well as the sums needed for her maintenance during his absence. 7. The young couple will live in her parents' house. The husband owes a yearly rent of 6 dinars and will never be late in paying it. 8. He will not separate her from her parents, as long as the latter are alive and cannot force her to live anywhere else. 9. A fine of 50 dinars is imposed on him in case he fails to fulfill any(?) of the preceding conditions. (Information from Goitein, Med Soc III, p. 144.)
Editor: Weiss, Gershon
T-S NS J378 1r

- פי כל דפעה יכ( )
- 15 ( )א תחתאג אליה מן מזונות טול מדה אגל אלג(ט ז)מן
- או תמנע מן אלסכ(ן )
- 16 ( )מדכורה ואפרק בינהא ובינהמא ואכרההא עלי אלסכן
- כארג ענהמא ( )
- 17 ( ) להא עליה כמסון דינארא בלפט מ(תנה )
T-S NS J378 1v