Legal document: T-S Ar.53.61

Legal document T-S Ar.53.61


Legal document. Bill of sale, fragment, in Arabic script. Yosef b. Yaʿaqov, the Jew, known as al-ʿIjla (or al-ʿĀjala?) buys from three Christian women one-fourth of a house in the Rāya district for 70 dinars. The other three-fourths were already in his possession (total value 280 dinars). Verso (in entirely different handwriting): He gives this house to the son of his daughter and makes other gifts. This document is also incomplete. (Information from Goitein’s index card)

T-S Ar.53.61 1r



Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Recto - top margin

  1. ثبت والحمد لله الخفى لطفه


  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى
  2. هذا ما اشترى يوسف بن يعقوب الاسرائيلي المعروف بالف[ج]لة الصيدلاني من بشر وغالية وندا البوائع بنات منصور ويكنى أبا البدر بن علون بن مینا بن اندونة الكاتب اشتری منهن
  3. جميعا في صفقة واحدة باذن من كل واحدة منهن لباقيهن في ذلك جميع الحصة التي ذكرن هولا البائعات المسميات انها لهن في ملكهن ملكا صحيحا وحقا واجبا في ايديهن بينهن بالسوية اثلاثا وانها
  4. جميع حقهن وحصتهن لا حق لهن جميعا ولا لواحدة منهن ولا حصة فيما هي منه غيرها على كل وجه وسبب وهي الحصة التي مبلغها الربع ستة اسهم من اربعة وعشرين سهما من جميع الدار التي باقيها وهو
  5. النصف والربع ثمانية عشر سهما من اربعة وعشرين سهما شائعة فيها غير مقسومة منها لهذا المشتري يوسف بن يعقوب الاسرائيلي في ملكه ملكا صحيحا وحقا واجبا في يده متقدما ذلك له قبل هذا البيع المذكور في هذا
  6. الكتاب ومعرف عنده فقد كمل له بهذا الشرى المذكور في هذا الكتاب وبما كان له متقدما قبله جميع هذه الدار المذكورة في هذا الكتاب بغير شركة معرفتها لاحد من سائر الناس كافة وهي الدار التي بفسطاط مصر
  7. بالبوابة فيما بين الحارتين المعروفة احداهما بمحرس بنانة والاخرى بمهرة في الزقاق الذي ليس بنافذ المعروف بزقاق التجار ويعرف بالسرى بن سهل على يسار من صار فيه تقابل دار السرى بن سهل ويحيط بهذه الدار
  8. التي وقع هذا البيع على الربع من جميعها حدود اربعة حدها القبلي ينتهي الى الدار المعروفة كانت ببنى علان بن الصقلي ثم صارت لابي السرور علون بن مینا بن اندونة وحدها البحري ينتهي الى الدار المعروفة باسمها
  9. التي في اقصى هذا الزقاق وحدها الشرقي ينتهي الى ساحة هذا الزقاق المذكور في هذا الكتاب وفيه يشرع بأبها وعسكر لها من حقوقها مطل على وجه بابها وعلى الزقاق المذكور في هذا الكتاب يستغرق هذا
  10. العسكر الحد الشرقي منها قبالة دار السري بن سهل وحدها الغربي ينتهي الى الدار المعروفة كانت بابن المضا وتعرف كانت بكاتب صالح بن نافع المقابل بابها لدار قريبة اخرى معروفة شائعة
  11. هذه الستة الاسهم التي وقع عليها هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب في جميع هذه الدار المحدودة فيه غير مقسومة منها بحدود جميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب وارضه وبنائه 
  12. وسفله وعلوه مرافقه في حقوقه ومسايله في حقوقه وطرقه التي هي له من حقوقه وكل قليل وكثير هو لذلك فيه ومنه من حقوقه وكل حق هو له داخل فيه وكل حق هو له خارج منه وجميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور
  13. في هذا الكتاب بسبعين دينار مثاقيل ذهبا عينا وازنة جيادا مجربة مسلمة من الجعالة شرا صحيحا جائزا نافذا ماضيا لا شرط فيه ولا عدة ولا خيار ودفع يوسف بن يعقوب الاسرائيلي المشتري هذا
  14. الى بشر وغالية وندا بنات منصور ويكنى أبا البدر بن علون بن مینا بن اندونة الكاتب البائعات جميع الثمن المذكور في هذا الكتاب وقبضن جميعه منه جميعا وصار في ايديهن واقتسمنه بينهن اثلاثا بالسوية 
  15. واستوفت كل واحدة منهن نصيبها من ذلك وهو ثلثه تاما كاملا وافيا وابرين جميعا هذا المشتري من جميع الثمن المذكور في هذا الكتاب ومن بعده وورثته ومن اليمين عليه او على شي منه براة صحيحة براة
  16. قبض واستيفا وهو سبعون دينارا مثاقيل ذهبا عينا وازنة جيادا مجربة مسلمة من الجعالة وسلمن هولا البائعات الى هذا المشتري جميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب وتسلم ذلك منهن
  17. جميعا هذا المشترى وصار في يده بغير حائل ولا مانع بهذا الشرى المذكور في هذا الكتاب كما يتسلم مثله من المشاع [وذ]لك [بعد أن أقروا...] ......... جميعا جميع هذه الدار المحدودة في هذا الكتاب

داخلها وخارجها وجميع ما فيها ومنها [...]


Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).


  1. It has been registered Praise be to God, whose kindness is unseen.  

  2. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God and peace be upon his servants, whom he has chosen.  

  3. This is what Yūsuf ibn Yaʿqūb the Jew, known as 'the radish', the apothecary,  bought from Bushr, Ghāliya and Nadā, the sellers, daughters of Manṣūr, who has the patronymic Abū Badr, ibn ʿAlūn ibn Mīnā ibn Andūna, the clerk. He bought from them  

  4. all, in one striking (of the hands), with consent by each one of them to the others regarding this, all the portion that these sellers, named (above), stated was in their ownership, as a valid asset and a right with legal force, in their possession  (divided) between them equally into thirds, and (that they stated) was  

  5. all their right and portion, they together do not have a right, nor does anyone of  them, nor (do they have) a portion in the property to which it belongs, other than this, by any way or in any form. It is the portion amounting to a quarter, six shares out of twenty-four shares, of all the house, the remainder of which,  

  6. this being a half and a quarter, eighteen shares from twenty-four shares, held in  common, not separated from it, belongs to this buyer, Yūsuf ibn Yaʿqūb the Jew,  in his ownership, as a valid asset and a right with legal force in his possession,  this (ownership) being prior to this sale mentioned in this  

  7. document and designated as belonging to him. With this sale mentioned in this document and with what he possessed previously he has attained complete  ownership of all this house mentioned in this document, without it being  designated as belonging to any other person. It is the house in Fusṭāṭ - Miṣr

  8.  at the gate between two districts, one of them being known as Maḥras Banāna and the other as Mahra, in the cul-de-sac street known as the street of the  merchants, and also known (by the name of) al-Surrī ibn Sahl, on the left of  anyone passing along it, facing the house of al-Surrī ibn Sahl. This house,  

  9. a quarter of the totality of which was entailed by this sale, is surrounded by four boundaries. Its southern boundary extends to the house that used to be known by  (the name of) the sons of ʿ Alān ibn al-Ṣiqillī, then it passed to Abū al-Surūr ʿAlūn  ibn Mīnā ibn Andūna. Its southern boundary extends to the house known by its name, 

  10. which is at the far end of this street. Its eastern boundary extends to the square  of this street, which is mentioned in this document. Its door communicates with it  (i.e. this boundary) and a window balcony belongs to it as one of its rights  looking over the front of the door and over the street mentioned in this  document. This  

  11. window balcony spans its (the house's) eastern boundary opposite the house of al-Surrī ibn Sahl. Its western boundary extends to the house that was formerly  known by (the name of) Ibn Maḍā and also by (the name of) the clerk Ṣāliḥ ibn Nāfiʿ, the door of which faces another· well-known neighbouring house.  

  12. These six shares, which were entailed by this sale mentioned in this document,  are held in common in the whole of this house defined herein, not separated  from it, with the boundaries of everything that this sale mentioned in this  document entailed, its ground, its building,  

  13. its lower and upper floors. Its amenities are among its rights, its conduits are among its rights, its passages belonging to it are among its rights, and all things, be they few or many, that are in it or form part of it are among its rights. Every one of its rights, within and without, and everything that this sale mentioned  

  14. in this document entailed was (bought at the price of) seventy dīnārs, standard weight, gold, in minted coin of full weight, of good alloy, assayed, free from any supplementary payment, a valid sale, legal, operative and effective, there being no  condition in it, no promise and no option (to annul it). Yūsuf ibn Yaʿqūb the Jew,  this buyer, payed  

  15. to the sellers, Bushr, Ghaliya and Nada, the daughters of Manṣūr, who has the patronymic Abū al-Badr, ibn ʿAlūn ibn Mīnā ibn Andūna, the clerk, all of the  price mentioned in this document and they all received it all from him and it  came into their possession. They divided it equally into thirds  

  16. and each of them received her portion of that in full, this being a third,  completely, totally and in full. They all released this buyer, and also his descendants and heirs, from all the price mentioned in this document and from  the oath against it or against a part of it, with a valid quittance, a quittance  

  17. of receipt in full, it (i.e. the price) being seventy dīnārs, standard weight, gold, in minted coin of full weight, of good alloy, assayed, free from any supplementary  payment. These sellers handed over to this buyer everything that this sale mentioned in this document entailed and this buyer received this from them all,  

  18. and it came into his possession, without anyone obstructing or preventing this sale mentioned in this document, in the way that similar property held in  common is customarily received. This was [after they had acknowledged …  ] ... everyone all of this house defined in this document,  

  19. within it and without, and all that is in it and part of it [ …  ]   

T-S Ar.53.61 1v


Verso - top margin

  1. على بن يوسف <ا>لعطار

Verso - right margin

  1. اني عرفت اقرار المقرين بتاريخه صح بما فيه
  2. .......... ستة اسهم


  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على سيدنا محمد واله وسلامه
  2. اقر يوسف بن يعقوب الاسرائيلي الصيدلاني المعروف يومئذ بالفجلة عند شهود هذا الفصل
  3. واشهدهم على نفسه في صحة منه وجواز امرا طوعا غير مكره ولا مجبر ولا مضطهد ولا جاهل
  4. بما اقر به فيه ان قد خرج عن يده وانتقل من ملكه الى ملك ابن بنته هبة الله يوصف بسعيد جميع الحصة التي
  5. مبلغها الربع ستة اسهم من اربعة وعشرين سهما شائعا غير مقسوم من جميع الدار الموصوفة
  6. المحدود<ة> المحلية باطن هذا الكتاب المذكور الذي ذكر هذا المتصدق انها له وفي ملكه ملكا
  7. صحيحا وحق واجبا في يده تصدق بجميع هذه الحصة المذكورة على ابن بنته بو سعيد هبة الله
  8. صدقة مملوكة ماضية قاطعة نافذ حكماها لا شرط فيها يفسدها ولا عدة عليها
  9. تبطلها وسلم المتصدق جميع السهام المذكورة وصار<ت> من ملك له يتصرف فيها
  10. تصرف الملاك في ملكهم وذوي الحقوق في حقوقهم بغير حائل ولا مانع ولا منازع
  11. ويكمل المتصدق عليه من جده المسما باطنه وظهره ثلثة عشر سهما ونصف
  12. [...] .........

Verso- Top Margin

  1. ʿAlī ibn Yūsuf, the druggist. 

Verso- Right Margin 

  1. I recognize the acknowledgement by the two acknowledgers on its date of what is contained herein. Valid.  

  2.  . ......... six shares  


  1. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God alone and his blessings and peace be upon our Lord Muḥammad and his family.  

  2. Yūsuf ibn Yaʿqūb, the Jewish apothecary, known nowadays as 'the radish', acknowledged in the presence of witness of this supplementary document 

  3. calling them to witness him, while he is in good health, legally capable of conducting his affairs, acting voluntarily, not being coerced, compelled or constrained, not ignorant 

  4. of what he has acknowledged herein, that all the portion that  

  5. amounts to a quarter, six shares out of twenty-four shares, held in common and  not divided, of all the house described  

  6. and defined with regard to its boundaries and its features on the recto of this document, which this endower stated belonged to him and was in his ownership,  as a valid 

  7. asset and a right with legal force, in his possession, left his possession and was  transferred from his ownership to the ownership of the son of his daughter  Hibatallāh, who has the patronymic Saʿīd. He bestowed all this aforementioned  portion upon the son of his daughter, Bū Saʿīd Hibatallāh,  

  8. as a charitable gift, operative, decisive, its provision being effective, without any  condition that might vitiate it or any promise  

  9. that might annul it. The endower handed over all the aforementioned shares and  they became part of his (i.e. the grandson's) property, he having the freedom of action with regard to them  

  10. that owners customarily have with regard to their property and possessors of rights have with regard to their rights, there being nobody obstructing, preventing or disputing (the transaction).  

  11. This recipient of the endowment will receive an additional thirteen and a half shares from his grandfather mentioned on the recto and the verso  

  12. [ … ] 

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