State document: T-S Ar.39.452–53
State document T-S Ar.39.452–53What's in the PGP
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State document. Dating: Beginning of 12th century CE. Appointment of a Christian dignitary by the government and confirmation that the ordinances of previous caliphs are still valid, mentioning al-Mustanṣir, al-Āmir and al-Afḍal. (Information Khan, CUDL, and Goitein's index card)
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.39.453 1r
... the noble, prophetic (dynasty), may (God) extend its life, over
all the Christians dwelling in his dominion and living
[in ] the provinces of his kingdom, in order that he may execute
their inheritances as required by his statements and pronouncements, both in their general principles and in their specific stipulations.
The commander of the faithful is the most worthy person to execute the instructions of his ancestor and to act
upon his noble and glorious deeds, which are found in his noble and glorious sunna,
to water what he has planted and to elevate what he has built and founded.
He has executed in a glorious and magnificent manner the instructions of this
gracious decree.
He has made these Christians conform
to his mighty judgments and strengthened
his sacred and established principles.
T-S Ar.39.453 1v
He assumes the responsibility for the welfare of the members of minority groups and of dhimmīs. He offers
consideration and justice to the weak man
that he may be equal to the strong. He has delegated the present authority to them
on the basis of the precedent set by his ancestors [ ]
and with the sanction of the instructions that they issued
in their time to follow (this precedent) and to continue to act
as is customary, in the knowledge that they are the representatives of God
on earth. He, praise him, has granted
them the power to extend or restrain.
Those who are close to them are clothed in their justice
and they have concern and care for all their subjects irrespective of rank.
In this open decree
the instructions issued by al-Mustanṣir.
T-S Ar.39.452 1r
and by al-Āmir - God increase them in loftiness, pre-eminence,
sublime nobility, glory and splendour for us - have been specified, by virtue of
[ ] the pure, holy presence
[ ] ... consideration of executing them,
and assuming responsibility for implementing the wish of his caliphal throne
and the power of his kingdom, in accordance with what has been specified in this decree
and also with precedents and analogous cases.
This is because the commands of his ancestors, the pure imāms,
the blessings of God be upon them all, require
obedience, and their examples (of conduct), while being
visible or hidden, are binding and irrefragable, since they
derive from their kind consideration for everyone
and express their fine resolutions
of sympathy [ ] and mercy.
T-S Ar.39.452 1v
All the judges, arbiters, governors in the provinces -
let them observe this resolution and prescription of the commander of the faithful
and let it be acted upon. Let it be kept
by him who requests it, after being registered where such documents are registered,
if God wills. It was written with ten days remaining of RabīʿII,
in the year four-hundred and fifty-four.
It contains registration marks of all the offices of the pure
presence, God bless him
The verso of this gracious decree contains an endorsement
by the lofty presence of al-Afḍal
may God make his days eternal,
at the top of which there is the sublime signature,
which has the form: 'Praise be to God for his gifts.
The glorious, prophetic [commands] have been issued ......'