Legal document: T-S Ar.38.86
Legal document T-S Ar.38.86What's in the PGP
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Legal document in Arabic script. Record of a donation. Faraḥ b. Natan b. ʿAllūn donates a newly erected olive oil press with a mill wheel of Ḥawrānī stone. Boundaries include: a street leading to the market of Banū Wāʾil (on the Nile, SW of Qaṣr al-Shamʿ); also mentions the church of St. Sergius (kanīsat Bū Sarja), al-Ḥadīd lane, and "the two rows" (al-Ṣaffayn). (Information from Khan and Goitein’s index card.)
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.38.86 1r

In the name of God, [the merciful and compassionate.]
This is what Faraḥ ibn Nāthān ibn ʿAlūn the Jew bestowed [ ...]
the press that has been renovated for the purpose of pressing olive oil, which is referred to in the document below [... ] together with a description of its equipment [ ... in]
this document, which this aforementioned press [ ... ] the enclosure and what is in it, the entirety of each portion [ ... ]
as a valid [asset and a right with legal force in his possession and each of the aforementioned portions. It is the entirety of his right and his portion [ ... ]
places separated from it, among them being the entirety of the press that has been renovated for the purpose of pressing olive oil, that is in [ ... ]
Banī Wāʾil and al-Fārisiyyīn, and other contiguous streets and localities. (He bestowed them) with [ ... ]
their columns and their equipment, which are known to belong to them and are attributed to them, with a mill wheel of Ḥawrānī stone [ ... ]
store-rooms and cisterns newly adapted for olive oil, a cold room, animals of burden, together with the amenities and rights. It is enclosed [known]
formerly by (the name of) al-Mādrānī, leading from it to the market of Banī Wāʾil. The second boundary, which is the southern, extends [to... ]
leading from it to the market of Banī Wāʾ'il. The fourth boundary, which is the western, extends to the street that [ ...]
all of it ... ; all of the portion amounting to two thirds, sixteen shares out of twenty-four shares [ ... ]
leading from it to al-Ḥadīd lane, 'the two rows', and the church of St. Sergius [ ... ]
T-S Ar.38.86 1v