Scholarship on Legal document: T-S Ar.38.2
Legal document T-S Ar.38.2- Bibliographic citation
- Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
- Location in source
- Doc. 35
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Digital Translation
- Edition
- Translation
- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, index cards.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- Discussion
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.38.2 1r
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلى الله على محمد النبى واله وسلم [ تسليما ]
- أقر مبارك ويكنا ابا الحسن بن اسد الاسرائيلى الزجاج وهو شاب معتدل القامة ازهر اللون واضح الجبهة مقرون الحاجبين اكحل[ ]
- لحيته بذقنه اثر فيما يلى جانبه الايمن واضح بوجنته اثر من جدرى خفي فى صحة عقله وبدنه وجواز امره طائعا غير مكره ولا مجبر ان علـ[ـيه ]
- الاسرائيلى المعروف بابى الشطرنجى خمسة دنانير مثاقيل ذهبا عينا حمرا مجربة وازنة جيادا دينا ثابتا وحقا لازما وا[جبا حالا]
- له عليه ياخذه بها وبما شا منها متى شا واذا شا ليلا كان ام نهار لا يدافعه بها ولا بشى منها ولا يحتج عليه بحجة [ ]
- وذلك بامر حق واجب لازم عرفه له ولزم له به الاقرار المذكور فى هذا الكتاب واقر مباوك بن اسد هذا [ ]
- واشهد على نفسه بما فيه بعد ان قرى عليه وعرف جميعه وعلى معرفته فى شوال من سنة اربع ماية
Witness clause
- شهد بن سلم بن ....بن صلح على اقرار
- المقر بما فيه
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. God bless Muḥammad, the prophet, and his family and save them.
Mubārak, who has the patronymic Abū al-Ḥasan, ibn Asad, the Jewish glass-maker, who is a youth of average height, fair in complexion, with a smooth forehead, linked eyebrows, dark eyelids [ … ]
his beard, on his chin there is a clear scar on the right side, on his upper cheek there is a light scar resulting from small-pox, in sound mind and body, his acts being legal, voluntarily, not forced or coerced, acknowledged that he owed [ …. ]
the Jew, known as Abū al-Shaṭranjī, five dīnārs, standard weight, gold, minted coin, red, assayed, full weight, of good alloy, an established debt and a binding right with legal force;
owed to him by him; he may claim them, or any part he wishes of them, from him, whenever he wishes. When he wishes (to claim them back), be it night or day, he will not put off (payment) of it to him or of any part of it, nor argue against him with an argument [ … ]
this is by virtue of a binding right with legal force. He recognized that it (the right) was his (the creditor's) and the acknowledgement mentioned in this document made it binding upon him with regard to him. This Mubārak ibn Asad also acknowledged [ … ]
and called people to be his witnesses to what is contained herein, after it had been read to him and he had recognized all of it, and (to testify) to his recognition, in Shawwāl of the year four-hundred.
Witness Clause
- Salam ibn .... ibn Ṣāliḥ testified to the acknowledgement
- by the acknowledger of what is contained herein.