Legal document: T-S 13J16.5
Legal document T-S 13J16.5What's in the PGP
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Letter from Judge Eliyyahu to his colleague David ha-Kohen in Bilbays addressing a query; asks whether one Bushr, daughter of Asad, had formally dissolved a previous engagement and is free to remarry.
Translator: Motzkin (in English)
T-S 13J16.5 1r

I am a companion to all who fear Thee.
To the dignity, honor, greatness and holiness of our master and teacher David ha-Kohen, the exalted H'a've'r,
the wise and understanding, (may his) Ro(ck) prese(r v e ) him; from Elijah , son of R . Zechariah [m(ay his) s(oul be) b(ound) in (the bundle of) the (living)] who loves him as he does himself.
I inform you of my great longing for you and of my having been
quiet occupied. This limited my determination and my ability to fulfill my duty toward the like of you,
especially as I do not cease thinking about it for several reasons. May God, then,
help you in religious as well as worldly affairs for His sake. And may the merit
of your father (the virtuous and honorable master, who fulfills (the commandments) and knows them well) intercede for you
as well as for us. May your blessings not cease for us. Your house is the beauty of the community,
may God give you success so that He, the exalted, may be satisfied with it, and may He also give us success for the sake of His name.
We inform you, may your strength not cease, that a young woman - her name is Bushr - a daughter of Asad
son of al-Sali'ar, the auctioneer in the bazaar of the wool-merchants, came with her mother
Nasab, daughter of Abu'I-Mans'u'r, to court, in order to marry her daughter,
the one named Bushr - a young woman who is of age - to a
Cairene. We then inquired about her and asked a man of her people who knows her - - -
Abu' al-'Ala" son of al-Nusha'diri', the silk merchant — and they said
that this young woman - being of age - was engaged to a young man.
We could not establish anything certain about their case, and what happened to them,
from which it could become clear that a connection between them no longer exists and which would therefore remove any doubt in the matter.
Our lord, therefore, may his glory be exalted, ordered that we write to our patron
a letter in which we would inform him of the matter, so that he would write us an unequivocal
letter about their affair - quickly, for her mother
mentioned that she appeared before your late father of blessed memory
and it was in your presence and in the presence of the revered colleague R. Solomon, (may his) Ro(ck) prese(rve) him,
Recto Margin
and a group (of people)
and they made a settlement
with the person who was engaged
to the young woman about eight
months ago and that they released
each other from
any right which may attach them
to each other. Be so kind then
to hurry and summon to you
this Jacob
and establish from him that he had released
his above mentioned fiancéé
and her mother; we have already established from the young woman
that she had released him.
T-S 13J16.5 1v

from any right which may connect him to her, and any other condition,
and further, that she disliked his company, and that he mentioned in your presence
that he disliked her and that he was unable to support her.
[This was also] in the presence of the Sheikh Aaron and in the presence of . . . . and that they separated
by their ritual releases, and they then split off.
We likewise established from her mother that she
had released him and had absolved him. Now if these things are
remembered by you, then you can dispense with making the above mentioned Jacob appear before you
and with getting testimony about it again after their having made a settlement
in your presence. So please make all effort that he appear before you under all circumstances if the matter is as
has been described, so that you may reply quickly. After (all this I write) special greetings,
best of regards and greetings, and respect
to all our brethern, the wise and dear H'ave'ri'm -
God give them success - and to Sheikh Khalaf the Kohen, your brother (God protect him)
and to your children - best regards - and to the Sheikh R. Joseph
and his loving son Solomon, may he arrive [soon]
Verso Margin
and to] the cantor Yeh'i'[e'l]
best regards.
Please inform him that I sent
with Abu' Nas'r Ibn Elisha
thirty dirhems to deliver to his wife,
may God compensate him. Regards to the exalted patron, our master and teacher Isaac, the wise and understanding
best regards, greetings and respect.
and to all the Holy Community
best regards, greetings and respect.
Give my regards to the exalted master R.
Jacob, Head of the Community, Elder of the Congregation
and to all the elders, may God keep them
and may your peace increase.