Legal document: T-S 13J6.5
Legal document T-S 13J6.5What's in the PGP
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Legal document. Partnership document. Dating: 1300-1350 (per Goitein). This manuscript mentions the two partners, Abū al-Ḥasan b. Abū al-Faraj and Khalaf b. Ḥasan, who withdrew from a group involved in banking, because some of the partners had loaned funds without the permission of Abū al-Ḥasan. Apparently, Abū al-Ḥasan visited the seems to have been in charge of the workplace but visited only periodically. The withdrawal appears to have taken place six years before this document was written and the account with Abū al-Ḥasan was settled. The partnership likely charged interest on some of its loans, since the clients include Muslims and Christians (e.g., a Coptic clergyman from Barbaya). (Information from Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture," 234)
Editor: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip
Translator: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip (in English)
T-S 13J6.5 1r

- אלקציה פי גמלה דין יתצמנה ד[פתר[
- לגמלה אשראך והו תלתה מאיה [דינארא[
- פלמא אנפצלו מן גמלה אלאשראך אתנין
- והו אבו אלחסן בן אבו אלפרג וכלף בן חסן
- ותצמנת בקיה אלאשראך אלמסתקרה באלמכזן
- במא יחצהם מן גמלה אלדפתר אלמדכור אלמצמן
- תלתה מאיה דינאר אלמתקדם דכרה והו מאל
- מעין ענד ארבאבה והם אללדין אכרגוה בגיר
- אדני אנא אבו אלחסן בן אבו אלפרג ומן גמלתה
- [[ענד]] //ען כרג// אבו אלעלא בן אבו אלצדאד מן בורה תסלמו
- [גמל]ה אלאשראך תמאניה עשרה דינארא ואן [...]
- איצא תלתה דנאניר תסלמוהא מנה
- וחסאב דמיאט אלדי יתצמנה אלדפתר ענד גלאל
- אלדולה צאחב דאר אלטראז כמסין דינארא
- וענד מנתצר אלבורי כמסה ועשרין דינארא
- וענד פכר אלדולה כמסה מאיה דרהמא
- וענד אלקסיס מן ברביה ארבע מאיה דרהמא
- ובקיה אלכמיה מפרקה פי אלבלאד והם אכרגוהא
- בידהם בגיר אדני ולא אסתטארוני פיהא לאן
- נחן כנא דכילין עליהם והם אלקעידין פי אלמכזן
Right Margin
- וענד אנפצאלנא כפלו גמיע מא יחצנא מן אלדפתר וקומוה בגמלתה עלי וידנא
- אלדי דכל פי אלשרכה .......... [מד]ה סתה סנין מן חית אנפצל כלמא אשגלני
- אלזמאן בנפסה
- The statement of the amount of the debt which an acc[ount-book] included
- for the group of the partners, which was three hundred [dinars.]
- When tw[o of them] separated from the group of the partners,
- being Abū al-Ḥasan b. Abū al-Faraj and Khalaf b. Ḥasan,
- the remaining group of the partners were involved with sitting in the storeroom.
- For their part of the total from the aforementioned included account-book,
- the aforementioned three hundred dinars, which was the capital
- allocated to its owners—they are the ones who took it out without
- my permission—I, Abū al-Ḥasan b. Abū al-Faraj. From its amount (was)
- //from the expenditure of// Abū al-‘Alā b. Abū al-Ṣidād, from Būra, (of which)
- the [grou]p of the partners received eighteen dina(rs.) […]
- They also received three dinars from him.
- The reckoning for Damietta which the account-book included: from Jalāl
- al-Dawla, head of the government embroidery workshop, fifty dinars
- and from Muntaṣir al-Būrī, twenty-five dinars
- and from Fakhr al-Dawla, five hundred dirhams
- and from the Coptic clergyman from Barbaya, four hundred dirhams,
- and the rest of the amount was divided throughout the town; they took it out
- in their hand without my permission. They did not trouble me therein, for
- we entered (only periodically) and they were the (regular) keepers of the storeroom.
Right margin
- At our separation they guaranteed all that which the account-book allocated us and they paid its total to me,
- which entered into our partnership (shirka) ….. a period of six years from when I separated all my business
- the same time
T-S 13J6.5 1v