Scholarship on Legal document: ENA 2808.15a
Legal document ENA 2808.15a- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, index cards.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- Discussion
- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, Palestinian Jewry in Early Islamic and Crusader Times (in Hebrew) (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi Publications, 1980).
- Location in source
- pp. 309-311
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Discussion
- Edition
- Translation
- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, "Tyre-Tripoli-'Arqa: Geniza Documents from the Beginning of the Crusader Period,"Jewish Quarterly Review 66, no. 2 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1975), 69–88.
- Location in source
- pp. 85-86
- Relation to document
- Digital Translation
- Edition
- Translation
- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- Edition
Editor: Goitein, S. D.
Translator: Goitein, S. D. (in English)
- בש
- אלדי נסאל חצרה רבינו הרב המובהק אדאם אללה עזהא
- ותבת איאמהא תפתינא פי מא ילזם פי הדה אלנובה ודאך
- אן וצלו מנד זמאן נסא שבויים וכאן פיהם צבאיאת צגאר
- פאכדת מנהם אמראה צבייה צגירה תרביהא ללתואב וענד תלך אלאמראה
- ג בנאת איצא אבכאר וולדין רגאל עזאב פרבאת אלצבייה
- ואקאמ]ת ע[נד]הא מדה ה סנין או ארבעה אלי אן בלגת פכטבהא
- אחד מן ולדין] אלאמראה פשאורו אלדיאן שצ פי זיגתהא פקאל
- יגוז פזוגוהא ואד]כלו מעהא אלדי סאהלה אללה עלי זוגהא
- גיר אן בעד זיג]תהא לם תקים מע אלרגל אכתר מן ד
- שהור תם ר]געת אלי דאר אלאמראה אלדי אתרבת
- ענדהא ]תהא וקאלת מא אקים מע אלרגל סאעה
- ואחדה וכאן אלשיוך ואלדי]אן שצ ראגעין להא כל וקת והי תקול
- לא אקים מעה ]וכתרו עליהא וכלמוהא באנואע
- אלכלאם וקאלת מא אקים מע אל]רגל ולו אפרג עלי ראסי אלמאל
- אלבאלג תם אכר]גוהא אולאד אלמרה מן ענדהם
- ]ולם תפעל אלא אנהא מ[
- ]סעד [
In (Your) N(ame).
This is what we ask your excellency, our master, the prominent Rav, may God make your exalted position permanent
and your leadership solid. Please let us have your legal opinion about what has to be done in the following matter.
A long time ago, female captives, among them little girls, arrived here.
A woman took a little girl into her house in order to bring her up, doing this as a pious work. That woman had
three virgin girls and two boys, grown up bachelors. She brought the girl up,
who stayed with her five or four years until she came of age.
[One of the two boys] of that woman asked for her hand. They consulted the local judge, (may) G(od) k(eep him), whether this marriage was permissible. He said:
"It is." They arranged the marriage and gave her as outfit whatever God had blessed them with.
[However, after the marria]ge she did not stay with her husband longer than four
[weeks and re]turned to the house of the woman, in which she had been brought up.
[...] and said: I shall not stay with this man one single hour
[The elders and the jud]ge, (may) G(od) k(eep him) urged her all the time to reconsider the matter, but she said:
[...]. They exercised on her all kinds of pressure and talked to her in different
[ways, but she said: "I shall not stay with this] man even if he pours gold over my head."
[...]. Then the woman's children drove her out of the house.
[...] she did not agree, but [...].