Letter: T-S 12.608
Letter T-S 12.608What's in the PGP
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Letter from the office of Yehoshua Maimonides (d. 1355) warning against a traveling preacher, popular in the community, who "speaks of secrets whose meanings he does not understand, like a parrot who speaks and does not know what he says. Moreover, he does not know what is forbidden and what is permissible." Goitein suggests that the reference is to a Jewish preacher with Sufi inclinations, whose influence at this time is also evident in the well known letter published as "A Jewish Addict to Sufism in the time of David II Maimonides." See also Moss. IV,85 (PGPID 36653), a copy or draft of the same letter.
T-S 12.608 1r

T-S 12.608 1v