Letter: T-S 8.164

Letter T-S 8.164



Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Middle part of a long letter concerning the rent of one-fourth of a house belonging to a woman. The sender explains that it is not worthwhile going to court, as it would only lead to fines and financial ruin, and the 'ruler' (Heb. shaliṭ, corresponding to Arabic qāḍī? or perhaps wālī?) might turn out to be wicked, and in these parts there is a lot of ḥamas (oppression by the government). There follows a convoluted discussion of the rent of this property. The sender asked the landlady to come, but she said that she couldn't come, and the female slave couldn't come, and they would split the losses. In the closing greetings, the sender reports that the children are all well. Abū l-Mufaḍḍal intends to travel but delayed his departure until after the holidays. The sender conveys his congratulations to Abū l-Maʿālī and perhaps a woman and her son (or father?) Abū l-Najm. In the margin there is the beginning of a report about something that the wife of Abu l-Barakāt heard from the wife of Zikrī. Potentially the same handwriting as T-S 12.417, JRL SERIES B 2601, and/or ENA NS 2.40. (Information in part from Goitein’s index card.) ASE

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