Legal document: BL OR 10578O.5

Legal document BL OR 10578O.5



Partnership in sarraflık business between two groups: (1) Mordekhay Bialobos, Moshe ha-Levi Ṣanūʿa, Raḥamīm b. Eliyahu Najjār, Yiṣḥaq ʿAfīf, Avraham ha-Levi aka Skandarī and (2) Saʿadiya Pinto, Eliyahu ha-Levi aka Skandarī, Nissīm Mosseri, and Yaʿaqov Najjār. The partnership document was never finished so it is lacking the final lines where a date would appear. Based on the individuals mentioned and paleography, this document likely dates to the first half of the nineteenth century. MCD.