Literary text: T-S Ar.51.86a
Literary text T-S Ar.51.86aDescription
Original text: Four bifolios of a Shīʿī literary work preserving content including Fatima's sermon ("the sermon of Fadak") and a ḥadīth about ʿAlī predicting that just as Jewish people hated Jesus, people will hate ʿAlī, and just as Christians loved Jesus, people will love ʿAlī and consider him divine. Reused for a Hebrew liturgical composition for a high holy day. Wagner and Ahmed describe this as Qaraite liturgy, but they do not explain on what basis. (Information mainly from Esther-Miriam Wagner and Mohamed Ahmed, "T-S Ar. 51.86a: Shi‘ite and Karaite – a Fatimid melange," Fragment of the Month December 2017.)