State document: T-S Ar.42.186

State document T-S Ar.42.186


A register copy containing accounts of three arrests. The first detainee is Faẓāʾil (Naẓāʾir?) b. Ismaʿīl who was arrested by Sayyid al-Ahl, Riḍwān, and al-Muẓaffar who are referred as "min ghilmān l-amīr", probably who were at the service of a state official. The person was arrested because he verbally assaulted some officials (mustakhdimīn). The second case of arrest is of Ḥusayn b. Abū Muḥammad al-Wazzān, arrested by Kunī and ʿArabī, also referred to as "min ghilmān al-amīr". Ḥusayn assaulted a woman in her mensuration while she was screaming for help. The third case of arrest is not preserved because of the tear, but they were arrested "at the hands of the amīr Sayf al-Dawla, one of the chamberlains of the Western gate [of the palace]. Two qāḍīs are also mentioned towards the end; al-Qāḍī al-Makīnī ʿIzz al-quḍāt Abū l-Faḍāʾil Hibat Allah and al-Qāḍī al-asʿad. [ed. Tamer el-Leithy, Marina Rustow, and Naim Vanthieghem (with suggestions by Alan Elbaum and Yusuf Umrethwala)].
