Letter: T-S G1.53
Letter T-S G1.53Description
Private letter almost entirely in Aramaic, with a few phrases in Hebrew. (It is rare for a letter to have this much Aramaic.) Dating: maybe 12th century, and almost certainly 11th–13th century. Opens with extensive blessings for the addressee (unclear if his name is preserved) and his children, including Yehuda (called "peraḥ ha-Torah") and a newborn who has just been circumcised. Expresses a hope that the children become learned scholars (ולאלופינהו מקרא ומשנה וכלל תלמודא גמרא וסברא). The substance of the letter is from around l. 17 to around l. 27. The sender explains that he has been detained in his current location only because he still has to finish copying Bava Qamma. Additionally, he did not receive the letter informing him of the date of the circumcision until it was already the time of Shabbat candle lighting, and the prior morning there was no caravan he could take. It seems that he still has 30 quires (ל קוטרסין ניירין) to copy before he comes. Concludes with further blessings and greetings, including for Tamīm, Maṣliaḥ, Mordekhay, and Shelomo ha-Melammed and his children. [This document is misidentified on FGP as a responsum dating to the 9th century.] ASE