Letter: T-S 6J3.7
Letter T-S 6J3.7What's in the PGP
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Recto: Fragment from the bottom of a communal letter, with wide line spacing. Dated: Adar 1463 Seleucid = February/March 1152 CE. Potentially from the office of the Nagid (Shemuel b. Ḥananya). Ends with the phrase "what we have written is sufficient" (ופי מא סטרנאה כפאיה), cf. T-S 10J20.21 (PGPID 2950). Issuing an instruction or warning that no Jew should [...] and that everyone should cease harming other people. The details are unknown. (Information in part from Goitein's index card.) Verso: Fragment from the top of a document in Arabic script, probably a letter. Part of the basmala is preserved and the phrase "ʿan tafaḍḍul."
Editor: Goitein, S. D.
T-S 6J3.7 1r
S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
- ]ל יהודי יעוד יתסבב
- ]חתי ינכף כל אחד ען אדייתהם
- ]כון אעלם מלקאך מנא כיף יכון פאחדר
- ופי] מא סטרנאה כפאיה ושלומך יירב
- אדר אתסג