Letter: ENA NS 19.2
Letter ENA NS 19.2What's in the PGP
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Verso: Informal note. In Judaeo-Arabic. "O Ibrahim! I found with your son Fāḍil (may God gladden him) one and a quarter dirhams, and I took them from him, and it is in your [...] do not [...] and do not tell him."
Editor: Elbaum, Alan
ENA NS 19.2 3
Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2022).
ENA NS 19.2 4
- יא [שי]ך אבראהים וגדת מע אבנך
- פאצל אסעדה אללה דרהם ורבע וקד
- אכדתה מ[נה] והו פי . . נך איאך . [
- פלא תכלמה . . . . .