Letter: ENA NS I.72

Letter ENA NS I.72

What's in the PGP

  • 1 Transcription


Trade letter, in Arabic script. The sender instructs the addressee to acquire a Dustarī (=Tustarī) fabric of blue color as soon as he reads his letter and commands to send him with the bearer if he himself isn't going to come (to Fusṭāṭ="fa-in kāna laka ṣuʿūd ṣaʿidta bihi"). "The minute you read my letter, labor hard in acquiring a blue Dustarī (=Tustarī) fabric of good quality which can be used for decoration. If you are planning to come to Fustāṭ bring it along, if not send it with a bearer. If you are in need of anything or if you do not find a bearer, acquaint me so that I can help you in this regard". The precise instruction explains the urgency of the sender in procuring the fabric. Another fabric, probably Antioch embroidery (al-ṭarz al-Anṭāqī) is also mentioned towards the end. YU.

