Letter: T-S NS J370

Letter T-S NS J370



Letter from Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi (d. 1212), probably in Qalyūb, to his father Abū Sahl Levi, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic with the address in Arabic script. This may be the largest letter of Moshe b. Levi's in the Geniza. Dating: Probably ca. 1190s. He opens with a complaint about the state of his income as a slaughterer. He asks his family members to go to the warehouse in Fustat and retrieve many goods for him. He also asks for several liturgical poems, including one specifically from his cousin (ibn khāl) Abū l-Khayr and some from Abū l-Munā the cantor. He offers to buy a garment for his mother. He wants his brother (probably Yedutun) to obtain a fatwā (responsum) on his behalf. The amir Sajjāʿ al-Dīn sends his regards. There may be references to illness at the end, but the text is difficult to decipher. ASE