State document: L-G Ar. II.79
State document L-G Ar. II.79What's in the PGP
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Capitation tax receipt for Sulaymān al-yahūdī b. Mūsā al-yahūdī al-Mutaṭabbib (?). Dated 24 Dhū l-Ḥijja 524 AH (1130 CE). Not authenticated at the top by officials of the dīwān al-ʿamal and ishrāf, as was the usual practice. The multidirectional text repeats phrases from the main text. This suggests either a practice-text written by a jahbadh, or a practice-text written by someone who isn't a jahbadh, in which case we could speculate that s/he was practicing to forge a tax receipt. (Information from MR.)
L-G Ar. II.79 1v

L-G Ar. II.79 1r